Keitumetse Fatimata Moutloatse is the founder and chairperson of Black Womxn Caucus, a non-partisan movement for black women established in 2017. The movement was formed in response to the increasing prevalence of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) against women, children and the LGBTQ+ community in South Africa. It has since expanded its objectives and hopes to become the biggest feminist movement on the continent and diaspora.
In September 2019, Moutloatse and the Black Womxn Caucus led the #SandtonShutdown march to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, demanding action and contribution from the private sector towards the fight against GBV and femicide.
During the National Lockdown this year, Moutloatse and BWC established the Crisis Of Care (COC) WhatsApp Helpline in response to increased demand for free, accessible psychosocial support in South Africa. The helpline has trained, mobilised and organised professionals including academics, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and community healthcare workers nationwide to provide community-based services.
“My dream is to create employment opportunities, be fully present in all nine provinces, and establish an even greater network of professionals across the continent and globe,” she says.
As a feminist social worker in training, Moutloatse is driven by a deep desire to educate and empower people to become agents of change. She hopes to promote understanding of psychosocial support services and shift the perspective that social workers have the answer to all your problems; rather, they are a catalyst to help you reach those answers. She envisions less passive approaches to community interventions and more radical stances that are driven by feminist theory and praxis: “One day, I’d love to teach first years on Critical Social Work and Macro Practice; I want to plant the seed of radical and critical thought in them from the start of their journey in training.”