Lauren Dallas’s passion for women’s leadership in entrepreneurship shines through in her mission to help women achieve financial independence through her entrepreneurship platform and school, Future Females. Cofounder and chief executive, Dallas describes Future Females as “a movement that exists to increase the number of and support the success of female entrepreneurs”. Dallas launched Future Females in August 2017 in Cape Town and has since grown the platform from fewer than 600 people to more than 100 000 members with 2 300 graduates. The platform operates in 55 cities around the world with trained ambassadors inspiring and motivating women entrepreneurs through community workshops, events and training programmes. Future Females is partnering with the United Kingdom’s International Tech Hub Network to widen its reach across 26 countries. Dallas wants to expand Future Females’ vision of entrepreneurship support through education, community, inspiration, mentorship and coaching, and funding across the globe.
At this rate, it will be 108 years before we reach gender parity, and I want to see it in my lifetime