Charl Reyneke wants to see a world where everyone has the opportunity to escape poverty. It’s something he is taking steps to realise through his side projects, Heartflow NPC and its Cheese app. Reyneke cofounded the company as a result of his personal conflicts about giving money to beggars on the streets of Stellenbosch, where he lives. When he gave money, he was bothered by watching the same people engaging in destructive behaviour, but when he didn’t, his conscience wouldn’t let him rest. By building the Cheese app, his aim was to create an alternative for those who want to help the needy in a way that preserves mutual respect and dignity for all involved. Heartflow NPC manages a coupon system and pioneers innovative service models in order to ensure that homeless people retain their dignity. Cheese connects users to non-profit organisations like shelters so they can directly better someone’s life through the app.
Seek truth and significance over success.