Born in the small town of Qwaqwa in the Free State and raised by his two older brothers after his mother passed away, Mokone Finger graduated with a law degree from the University of the Free State with a speciality in medical law.
At varsity, he was involved in public interest initiatives through the Golden Key International Honour Society (a society for top performing students) and for those efforts, was selected to participate in the Top 100 Brightest Young Minds Summit.
Today he works as an associate at Clyde & Co in Johannesburg and outside of his day job, he’s dedicated some of his time to educating law students from universities around the country on the importance of legal education and how the law can be incorporated into everyday life to deal with social ills of our country.
His primary areas of expertise include insurance law and reinsurance, corporate insurance and policy coverage, insurance litigation with a speciality in professional indemnity, commercial law, general litigation, medical law, health care, personal injury and medical negligence.
He is a volunteer at Sinako We Can Movement. This initiative seeks to teach and demystify the Constitutional Court’s role in broader society through guided tours and talks from various professionals including attorneys, legal advisors and judges.
“I believe that whilst we grow and develop as people and professionals, it is important to impart legal knowledge, to train and to inspire other South Africans throughout our own journeys and successes,” he says.
He is also involved in a fundraising project for cataract surgery and optometry-related care for the community of Lenasia South which was motivated by the need for specialised eye care for disadvantaged communities.
Some of his career highlights so far include writing academic and market-awareness articles for clients and publications. He is continuously involved in legal education and development, including attending the medico-legal summit hosted by health minister Aaron Motsoaledi.