Rendani Mbuvha is a young academic with an impressive CV. He is a qualified actuary and a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa, holds the Global Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary designation, has a Master’s in Machine Learning from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and is doing his doctoral studies in Bayesian Methods for Neural Networks at the University of Johannesburg. Mbuvha is a strong proponent of capacity development in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and has already won a provisional patent and the 2017 Gauteng Accelerator Township Economy Innovation Competition.
“I serve as a lecturer at the school of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of the Witwatersrand,” says Mbhuva. “My role encompasses teaching, research supervision and doctoral research in artificial intelligence (AI). It allows me to be actively involved in capacity development in AI, which is a critical skill needed to navigate the future of our nation and continent.”
Mbhuva plans to continue building his impressive research profile over the next few years. His ultimate goal is to turn his research into feasible and relevant solutions that address national and continental issues. When asked who has inspired him on this highly complex and challenging journey, his immediate reply is: “My parents, who have always supported me and believed in my efforts.”
Mbhuva has become an authority in predictive modelling and risk management and has won numerous awards for his work. These include the Deans Merit List at the University of Cape Town, a national finalist in the South African Youth Water Prize in 2006, and the award for Most Promising Innovation for Township Economy at the Innovation Hub Gate competition in 2017.
For those young South Africans looking to explore a career as cerebral and education-intensive as the work done by Mbhuva, he offers this salient advice: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish. And never be afraid to change course in the pursuit of your dreams.” —Tamsin Oxford
LinkedIn: Rendani Mbuvha